Muscle island
Muscle island

Muscle island from a short concept

Muscle island 2
Muscle island 2

Another concept for muscle island

More Muscle Island Character Designs
More Muscle Island Character Designs
Character Design from Muscle Island
Character Design from Muscle Island

Based off original designs by Christien Clegg. 

Broken city colour
Broken city colour

colour added to the broken city

broken city sketch
broken city sketch

linework for city background

Under the bridge
Under the bridge

A destroyed city location

Under the bridge B&W
Under the bridge B&W

A destroyed city location sketch


A broken city alleyway

City wide
City wide

A wide shot of a city


Girl on blue

School boy T-rex
School boy T-rex

character designs for a skit

Military dude
Military dude

concept art for a military guy


Notty eats all the cookies

Dash Dashing Character designs
Dash Dashing Character designs

Designs for my (yet to be made) series/movie/game Dash Dashing

Muscle island
Muscle island 2
More Muscle Island Character Designs
Character Design from Muscle Island
Broken city colour
broken city sketch
Under the bridge
Under the bridge B&W
City wide
School boy T-rex
Military dude
Dash Dashing Character designs
Muscle island

Muscle island from a short concept

Muscle island 2

Another concept for muscle island

More Muscle Island Character Designs
Character Design from Muscle Island

Based off original designs by Christien Clegg. 

Broken city colour

colour added to the broken city

broken city sketch

linework for city background

Under the bridge

A destroyed city location

Under the bridge B&W

A destroyed city location sketch


A broken city alleyway

City wide

A wide shot of a city


Girl on blue

School boy T-rex

character designs for a skit

Military dude

concept art for a military guy


Notty eats all the cookies

Dash Dashing Character designs

Designs for my (yet to be made) series/movie/game Dash Dashing

show thumbnails