On Saturday Roseline and I decided to go for a walk to Sandy bay to get some sweet breakfast. We chose an indirect path from our place cutting through every alleyway we could find.
After our long walk we ended up in a Dome cafe where I bought myself a big breakfast (negating any form of exercise that I had just done).
Both Roseline and I are big fans of a cooked breakfast. I'm now making myself hungry thinking about it. mmmmm eggs and hash browns
Well when we left Dome we headed for Salamanca to do a little bit of shopping at the markets. We took a little detour because Roseline had spotted some ducklings the week before and forgot to take along our camera. So we went to see if they were still there to get a photo.
Here they are. Terribly cute aren't they?
If the photo was a bit wider you would see all the coke bottles and other parts of rubbish that they swim in. You would think they'd clean up after themselves.
Well there is something a little under half done that I had been working on. I hope to finish that soon. I did finish one piece of creativity this week. I think I did this on Monday
I really like that picture. It all started with me messing up some eyes colouring them in and turning it into a skull. The rest of the image formed around it. Free drawing at its best.
Well that's all