Tank Macho character design

So here's the last character design of Tank Macho. Tank is loosely based off Guld Goa Bowman from Macross Plus. I always loved the idea of an alien living side by side without it ever being questioned.Tank and Bowman share the same skin and hair colour but motivation wise they are completely different. As Tank has no real motivation.

Tank is the strongest member of the group, the superman, but he really has no interest in being a superhero and would prefer just to bum around. He kind of reminds me a little of Mondo from generation x. His beach clothes are loosely based off Kazuma from Yakuza 3 and his hair curl is adapted from an early drawing that Christien (check his blog here)did of him

So you can see the development process from what it was to what it is. I have much love for Christien's drawings

Well that is the last main character. I might compose them all into a shot now