Dash, Dr Sketchy and a cowboy

So last Wednesday Rose and I went to 'Dr Sketchy'. I've been meaning to go for ages but I kept piking at the last minute. Since I'm not working at the moment I used this as a good reason to get out of the house and do something productive.

I arrived at the city a little early and waited outside near the Perth art gallery. They've built an urban orchard of sorts there, it's quite nice. So while I was there waiting for Rose I drew this

Dash and his friends. There's even my first drawing of "Dog Dashing". He's going to go through some development as well as the other animals I haven't drawn yet (This is probably interesting to 3 people haha)

Anyway, after the 24 hour comic I've been trying to get back into drawing with pens. Just a felt and a brush pen. In a way I'm trying to trick myself into drawing confidently with bigger and less lines. With these first few 5 minute poses I was going ok

Then it got really scratchy. This one still feels ok but the others were bad

I put in some focus in with this drawing and tried to push the shapes more. I like this one

To break it up a bit, there were some games. The host (dressed like a mad scientist) was told by the audience to bite on a lamp that someone called a mushroom. I had fun with this drawing as I treated it as a throw away drawing.

That drawing did help as I started feeling little more comfortable

A funny thing about that night, I was drawing the model quite wide for some reason. My usual problem is I draw too long and stretched. Maybe it was because I was using an a4 sketchbook. I was quite happy with the faces this time around. That might have been from the practice drawings I did earlier in the week.

Well my first Dr Sketchy was a bit of fun. There was the problem of being the new guy and getting pulled up on stage to pose (clothes on thankfully) but I guess it's all part of making it a fun event.

This last picture I just finished drawing a few minutes ago. I was drawing it while watching Predators, I'd seen Jonah Hex earlier and was still thinking about how cool cowboys were.

They were even better than the icecream that I was craving