Here's a scribble I did at work today of Roseline, Little B and me going on adventures (although I seem to be sleeping through them).
The other day before we saw "Tangled" we had a bunch of time to kill, (we did have to stand in line for 40 minutes though). After our Retro Betty burgers we did some scribbles in my sketchbook (those birds I posted yesterday) after those first few drawings I remembered the game going around twitter recently of drawing batman with your eyes closed (search #drawbatmanwithyoureyesclosed) so Rose and I did that. Because batman is quite boyish Rose changed it to draw Strawberry Short cake, I for the life of me could not remember what she looked like. A big hat, eyelashes and lips was all I remembered haha, when then tried Garfield. We laughed quite a lot doing this, I hope you can work out what is what haha
oh just so you know, Roseline's drawings are at the top.
The other day before we saw "Tangled" we had a bunch of time to kill, (we did have to stand in line for 40 minutes though). After our Retro Betty burgers we did some scribbles in my sketchbook (those birds I posted yesterday) after those first few drawings I remembered the game going around twitter recently of drawing batman with your eyes closed (search #drawbatmanwithyoureyesclosed) so Rose and I did that. Because batman is quite boyish Rose changed it to draw Strawberry Short cake, I for the life of me could not remember what she looked like. A big hat, eyelashes and lips was all I remembered haha, when then tried Garfield. We laughed quite a lot doing this, I hope you can work out what is what haha
oh just so you know, Roseline's drawings are at the top.