I've just been listening to the Kill bill soundtrack and I remembered that I wrote this film after seeing the trailer for Kill Bill volume 1. The music and the imagery just forced me to create something. So when I heard the song from that trailer I had to draw an Existence image.

Anyway I threw the film back up here so enjoy it once more. This film does have more than a few links to Porcelain so it is some required watching.

lb shot 36

Well here's a line test for this shot. I'll update my progress as I go.

Here's the original line drawings and how I decided to animate "Porcelain". I thought if I divided up my page like this I could do my pencil animation faster as it meant I couldn't add in too much detail and with this film. You'll also see that I don't trace the previous frame. Occasionally on some shots I did trace but most of the time I just guesstimated in the box this was because I wanted the film to have a sort of hand held look.

My original drawings (which are very rough and loose) were cleaned up by Roseline to keep it reasonably on model. Not so much of an issue for the LB character but very important for the Doll character since the women I draw don't look that pretty.

Ok you'll notice between videos I controlled the line a bit better and made the hair and the collar animate secondary to the body movement. (Well that's the idea I'm not sure if I've got this working yet). I also bumped around the images and lined them up better than the first set. I wanted to show this version before I inbetweened it so you can compare the original keys to the finished keys.

FINALLY I'm uploading the inbetweened animation (blogger kept crashing on me). Ok well a little bit more about this shot is that it happens after LB is waiting at the lights and as this shot progresses the camera looks up towards the building he works at. So yet to come is the background and a few extra characters to fill out the shot.

You'll notice the last few frames aren't animated and he's just sliding that is because the camera will have left him by then. An important thing to learn when there's only you animating it is knowing when not to animate. I've been watching a great piece of animation called "Trava Fist Planet" and that guy (Takeshi Koike) can really animate but he also knows when to do holds and he even has jump cuts within the same shot. He just throws on a popping sound effect to cover the jump. I've seen this done in film before but it works just as well for animation.

When inbetweening I try to just do one inbetween between my keys first to double check my movement and the positions. That last part of LBs walk I really had to move around till I was happy with it. Also I find that if I just work to straight ahead I get fatigued by the end of the shot. So spreading out the drawings and not working too linearly I can keep a good energy throughout the shot. I also take this approach in making a film that I work on the intro then the epilogue and then pick the major scenes to do and now what I'm doing at the moment are the inbetween scenes to tie it together.

How I approach my timing for my animation is that I listen for the movements. Like what sound it would make. If you look at that opening fight in my showreel you'll hear this heavy whooshing sound (underneath all the yelling) this is that sound I listen for when doing my timing. Trusting your ears is a lot better than you eyes or trying to approach it too logically. It's like doing lip sync, If you get the character to lip every letter of the word it will look stupid you only do the mouth shapes for what sound you hear.

Ok like I said there are a few more things to throw at this shot. I'll update when they are done.

7/12/08 7:10pm

Ok here's the background in its raw form for that shot. It's broken down into 6 layers

Foreground buildings
Midground buildings
Bg buildings01
bg buildings 02

This means I can control the depth of field a bit and also gives me more control on where the effects are. I'm working on this at the moment so I'll post up the results tonight sometime.

8/12/08 2:28am

This is the final result.

Porcelain poster art

Here's a promo poster I cooked up for the coming movie. I wanted to make a sort of 80s scifi poster at least what I think is an 80s scifi poster.

The movie will be available online in December. Think of it as a Christmas present to everyone including myself. I'll have to work out the actual bugs of achieving this but so far my tests have been pretty good.

I'll be posting more about this over the next few weeks.

Dang mice

So Rose and I went to the Tasmanian beer festival this weekend. We caught up with some of our work friends there. After we tried some beers we decided the next best thing to do was to go and get a good steak. All was going well until ... well this:

I'll have to see tomorrow who survived but Rose and I are ok.

Rose has even found some time to draw some pretty sweet new pictures. Check them out

Roof top travelling

I woke up with the worst headache today. Stayed with me for almost the entire day. When it finally left me I drew this in my sketchbook.
I added on some photoshop colours to give the character a little bit more movement. I don't mind the colours on this one makes me think of that Yamakazi film.

Bird apartments

Today is a public holiday so since I was home from work I made this.

I drew the picture on a writing pad Rose bought me. I then took a photo from my back window. Did a little photoshop compositing, coloured in a few things and I ended up with this.

Lb shot 32 - breakdown

So here's the finished shot. Pretty good considering nothing is actually animated, it's all just moving stills. To get the cars to move across without looking crappy you jitter the up and down in their movement path. You'll notice a bit of parralax movement at the start (where some layers are moving in different directions and speeds to other layers) and there's a bit of a pull focus that also happens. These little tricks can make a 4second still image a slight bit more interesting.

Oh if you're wondering why I didnt keep the warmer city image and chose the washed out one for the final, it's more about what emotion that will give my sequence. There's not a lot of dialouge in "Porcelain" so the imagery has to be clear on the feeling. This is the stuff you can only do on your own projects and never for any clients.

(no filter)
(final colour mixdown)

So all the compositing has been done. I'll upload a video in a bit. You can see here the various filter phases it's gone through. I'll write a little more when I upload the video.

So now it is all in photoshop (the other stuff was in flash). I adjusted the curves on the background to nice it up a bit.

Everything is in layers (7 layers all up) and now I am going to bring that across into after effects. I was going to do my blurs in photoshop but I want a little bit more control on how it happens over time in after effects.

Ok the background characters are now all in. Have to export them at various layers. I had to expand up a bit because I think I'll crane down to all the people waiting. You'll notice the far background characters have no outlines. They will probably have a heavy blur on them.

This other reference image is going to serve as my background. I think this should work.

Ok you'll notice I pulled the saturation down on that last image. That was just testing the colours a bit. Here's the raw image moved along a bit. 3 new characters and I just mapped out the further background characters. I need to do a background and a foreground.

Here's an hours work. I'll update this post as the shot progresses

post 100 WOO

So I had these plans to update on Sunday with something amazing and new. Except I really felt like relaxing this weekend.

On Saturday Roseline and I decided to go for a walk to Sandy bay to get some sweet breakfast. We chose an indirect path from our place cutting through every alleyway we could find.

Tasmania is a great fun place to go exploring. We came across some interesting parks, funny old houses, lots of different cats and we even spotted someone doing a nice piece of street art under a bridge.

After our long walk we ended up in a Dome cafe where I bought myself a big breakfast (negating any form of exercise that I had just done).

Both Roseline and I are big fans of a cooked breakfast. I'm now making myself hungry thinking about it. mmmmm eggs and hash browns

Well when we left Dome we headed for Salamanca to do a little bit of shopping at the markets. We took a little detour because Roseline had spotted some ducklings the week before and forgot to take along our camera. So we went to see if they were still there to get a photo.

Here they are. Terribly cute aren't they?

If the photo was a bit wider you would see all the coke bottles and other parts of rubbish that they swim in. You would think they'd clean up after themselves.

Well there is something a little under half done that I had been working on. I hope to finish that soon. I did finish one piece of creativity this week. I think I did this on Monday

I really like that picture. It all started with me messing up some eyes colouring them in and turning it into a skull. The rest of the image formed around it. Free drawing at its best.

Well that's all

From Japan to me!

Well I'm posting a little earlier than Sunday because I have to show off some of the cool purchases I made via the wonders of the Internet and a credit card.

I always feared getting a credit card would lead to this. Well at least I kept it mostly work related.

3 of the books I bought were of the Groundwork series. These I fully recommend these to all animators out there as it contains a lot of the key animation drawings with all the timings penciled in on the side. Excellent for reference! Check the bottom part of that image of the large crowd drawing. There are 4 or 5 pages of that!! MADNESS

I mostly bought these books so I can see how an animator would approach doing effects such as explosions. There is also a lot of other really interesting drawings such as some keys of a water's surface (an ocean I think) that is pretty amazing.

The Ground work books I bought were "FLCL" and the 2 books from the Neon Genesis movies. I already bought a ground work book from the "gun buster 2" series and that's what got me hooked on the groundwork books.

The other thing I bought was a Gurren Lagann figurine. I'm kinda regretting this. Not so much because it was bought as an impulse buy, but more because of the flames it creates wherever it goes.
No warning sticker on the box or nothing.
Well that's what I got sent from Japan (such a magical place). It made me pretty happy I must say. Well I did promise that I would post something new next Sunday so I guess I better. I also realise that will be my 100th post.
Well I guess that means I better put something good up. Hmm 3 days to create something new...
stay tuned


So Clay was complaining I don't update my blog enough. So I'm going to try and update with something new every Sunday.

Recently I just finished doing some animation on a pilot for Zaktoons which was quite fun (even with its questionable characters haha). Except doing that and working full time on Pixel Pinkie didn't leave me with much time to do anything of my own.

My old sketchbook was filled with a lot of suck so I decided to buy a new one and so far it's been good to me.

Ok this first image is a co-op with Roseline over 2 lunch times. One really fun exercise I like to do is to draw randomly all over a page and then start drawing in a background that connects all the elements. It's good fun and it really ties it all together.

The second is a conceptual design from a project I'm doing with Jamie. It's one of the reasons all these images are photos because I used this blue pastel pencil and I have no fixative at the moment and I really didn't want that all over my scanner. I'll leave the project unnamed for the moment some of you already know what it is but we're planning to do something quite diverse and instead of creating one thing we'd create a world on multiple platforms. Ambitious and still at its baby stages but it should be pretty awesome.

Well this originally started out as some production art for "A relaxing Sunday" but turned into a drawing women exercise. I still haven't quite got an interesting female character style yet but its a long working progress.

Ok phew that took me awhile to put together. I promise to have something new by next Sunday. Hell maybe even some new "Porcelain" since I'll be working on that during the week.
Well there you go Clay something new. Oh everyone else check out Clay's comics they are very funny!

Back working on Pixel Pinkie

So back working on Pixel Pinkie series 2. Good to see some old faces and meet some new ones.

Thought I'd share with you the show reel of Hung Lin who sits next to me where Jamie (Max Facepuncher) used to sit. The school ruled that Jamie and I talked to much so now he sits on the other side of the room (animation studios are funny things). Anyway after you check the reel check out Hung's blog here and see some of his great disturbing art work and watch some films.


Pretty awesome you would have to agree. Speaking of awesome check out Jamie's new webcomic. It is updated (amazingly) every Monday and Friday

Train...Airport Sketch

So Roseline just got back from a holiday in Hobart and while I was waiting for her at the airport I drew this picture. I must have gotten really into it because I totally missed when she arrived.

Now the colouring was done in photoshop on my new toy, a 21 inch cintiq wacom.

I found fitting it on my desk, working out a comfortable working position and working out what I want the shortcut buttons to be hasn't quite came easy yet so there is something of a learning process. So once I tame this wild horse expect to see some new animations.

Train Sketch 4

Well here's another train sketch done up with some photoshop magic.

I drew this one and inked it over the last few weeks. Because of this I was inking with different pens and I was inking in different sorts of styles. Also inking on the train is very hard to do nice lines. I worked out that I could do the sketchy lines when the train was moving and when we arrived at a station I'd try to do the nicer lines.

24 hour comic COMPLETE

Well I am done with seven minutes to spare. WOO!

My comic had to involve the three words "Troop" "mint" and "once". So I decided on a War/Scifi/Comedy comic.

I wanted to create cute fun characters that were easy to draw. One problem I found the more I got into it was I had too many characters and they weren't that easy to draw. I inked four pages but had to stop and just keep it in pencil as I was really running well behind.

I do like my designs though. Actually the Crabbot pilots look the best in the last few panels they star in. They evolved with the comic. Red Beards 'beard' was a pain to draw. Joker was a lot of fun but I wish i remembered to keep him skinny. I also wish I kept Falcon's arm bandages but then I think that would have taken more time to draw.

Khan suffers a bit of bad art due to me racing to get over the line and not really having the time to develop him. I liked where I was heading with him but not quite there. Steve cracked me up. I wish I kept those little eyes but I forgot. I'm glad I inked his scene with the boys.

Ok well enough of me talking about it,

Read it here!

Also check out my friends comics
Jamie Anderson's - "So now I hate the moon"
Tim Cannan's - "Poo-lock Holems"

Now sleep ... sleep is needed

ComiKaze 24

Ok my 24 hour comic is underway and I'm already way behind schedual. I started at 11am Saturday and I have to finish by 11am tomorrow

Before starting I have organised all my tools and cleaned up my desks. Here's my light table all decked out.
Ok so at 3:45pm I have planned out my whole story. It will be titled 'Skulls and Daggers'. It's a war, comedy and a scifi comic. That blank page in the middle is something I need to be filling in.

More updates when I get my ass on schedual.