A new short film

So this is one of the 3 ideas I've got floating around. It will mostly be a silent film, and the design will be very minimal. I've been playing with the idea of adding in some stop motion but that's still a maybe.

anyway here's a few more designs and a little insight to how I plan and write

do you like?

Life Drawing

Ok I'm (unlike most of my friends) not the hugest fan of life drawing, but it's kinda like exercise. It may be a chore to do but you get stronger from it. Anyway I've been given some opportunities to practice through a monthly event organised through WANIMATE and also via my coworkers on Dogstar occasionally getting a model to come into the studio.

Well enough writing, here is my...uh I dunno whatever these scribbles are..."art"

This was an old charcoal sketch I found in my sketchbook. I'm pretty sure this was done on Dogstar series 1.

I'm not sure maybe I was just tired or bored but I started having fun and adding the model into a scene. I really enjoyed this and I'm going to do more of this at the next class.

Well I'm going to try and post something new on this blog each week. There's some stuff around that I've been wanting to share but it's just been a bit hectic with moving back from Melbourne and working like crazy on Dogstar. Series 2 is looking fantastic by the way, I cant wait till people see it.

Oh 'Porcelain' will be screening at the Revelation film festival this year as part of ScreenWest's "Get your shorts on", I'll post more details when I know more. This will be Porcelain's first non web screening, so I'm actually a little excited. 'Porcelain' will also have some clips in the ScreenWest promo reel for 2010.

There are also some new (old) production sketches on the 'Porcelain' blog that I found in these sketchbooks that you can view here


There's a new WAMBAM 48hour animation comp coming up that I'm looking forward to. I was in the first one and won all the prizes for the film Waffle. It's also being run by WANIMATE.

I'm glad to be back in Perth after the adventures of working in Hobart and Melbourne. Perth at the moment has, I dunno... a good creative vibe. I feel inspired. So hopefully that will mean more content for this blog

Trippin down memory lane before the silverfish eat it all

So I've moved back to Perth from Melbourne and have been setting up my workspace. I had a heap of boxes and papers stored here and since I had the time I thought to sort them all out. I found some interesting things while cleaning and I thought I'd post some.

Over on the Porcelain Existence blog I've put up some of my early "feel" tests. Where I just draw using whatever is in hands reach to try and get a feeling for the character. All these pictures look awesome when you invert them but I kinda like the rawness without all the computer wizardry that I used in the film.

I also found this article that was written after Dean Swantons and my first true indie film, "Opening doors" had screened in the Grassroots Film festival (2002 I think). Which you can watch here

We did win an award at the festival, we won the script award. Man that picture is pretty funny. We look like little kids haha. Like I said this was the first film we made off our own backs and not for any course or recieving any funding. The feedback we got from the audience was so positive and I'm sure it went a long way in giving us confidence to pursue a career in animation.

Some other treasures I found were some drawings by one of my oldest friends Robert Lee. We knew each other since we were kids and this guy has always drawn good. Seriously he should be producing a graphic novel each year and making cartoons all the time.

These are some concept art sketches he did for some of my film ideas

This one was for Barton. (There were some other drawings he did that I'd love to find). The rest are from an unmade idea of mine. I put one of my sketches of the same character at the bottom. We used to sit around for ages just drawing and complaining that we cant draw as good as each other (I still think you're better Rob haha)

And here's a drawing Rob did when we were working (as production assistants) on the Animation Works series "Quads" (you can see the storyboard through the paper)

Man I love looking at that stuff. Now these 2 pics I have no idea who drew them, I was thinking maybe it was my brother but I dont know, all I know is they made me laugh out loud so they have to go up here.

Ok I'm working on something new at the moment and I hope to be putting some images up for that soon. Here's an old sketch for a story I wrote ages ago that I sort of still like. It could be a new project but I'm not sure if I'll commit to it yet.

Holiday sketches

Ahhhhhh sweet holidays nothing much to do other than just sit around drawing.

Here's a sketch I did today. It was a bit of fun even though the pens I had kept running out. It started at that guy looking over his shoulder which I feel is a bit stilted but I started loosening up and the drawings came a little easier. Godzillas in the background in love with a new city to smash. I'm sure he gets pretty excited everytime he comes to the surface and goes, "OMG they rebuilt tokyo again woooooo!!!!!"

Speaking of Godzilla, I came up with this idea on my break that I might make into a little internet series or something, not sure yet.

Roseline is a big fan of "So you think you can Dance" and she likes to watch it when we have dinner that or 'Survivor' or 'Mad Men' (mabye those series will come into it aswell to make Rose really like it). So I ended up watching it and found myself really enjoying it.

My pitch is "Monsters from all around the globe compete to become the number 1 dancer". It is pretty much like the show with all the monsters entering with their own dance style (examples Gamera: hiphop, Godzilla: Contemporary, Mothra: Ballet) and are coregraphed and their performances judged. Apart from this idea making me laugh, it would be a fun way to studying different dance movements and transfering that into quite awkard characters. Anyway it will have major problems with various copyrights (maybe ok if its just a free parody) and that it will require a lot of work, still it may be my next project on the horizion.

Finally there's this picture that I want to do more with. I want to try and make a few of these 'Mr Gough' pictures as he is a really fun character and I really love his world.

Well that is it for today. I hope to do a few more pictures this week since I have the time and I'd like to put more effort into my blog next year. HEAPS AND HEAPS OF STUFF, more cartoons, more comics and more illustrations.

Hilltop hoods videoclip

Here's a videoclip I did a few shots for. It was a pretty rushed clip as they were originally planning to animate in photoshop but in the last week (I think) they switched to flash and had to call nearly every flash animator in Australia. Heap of my ex-ettamogah buddies worked on it

My shots were the robot throwing the jacket into the woodchipper and the jetpack sequence. It was a tough job since all we were given was a 3/4 drawing of the characters and next to no time to do it. We did have a little bit of freedom to do the scene how we wanted since there was no animatic. We couldnt really work on beats since we didnt have the audio but I dont think that was how they were making it anyway.

All in all it turned out ok and was a bit of fun

Dust mite POV

This sucks a bit, but I've been trying to get back into just drawing and trying different things. This top picture is a point of view of a dust mite of me when I step over it.

This one is a little better. It's a self portrait (since there's a giant mirror next to my computer) of me after I've just finished a freelance job. I'm going to try and do more of these and try to put a little bit more feeling and expression into them and try some drawing techniques.

My greatest present!

So this is most likely the best present I have ever been given! Look at that smile on my face.

This was created and water colour painted by the very talented Roseline for my 30th birthday and I couldn't be happier.

The picture is made up of all our characters. LB and the Doll from the film we launched on my birhtday 'Porcelain', there's some jelly babies there, Faust and the robot from my webcomic, Roseline's Spooky Doll Kids, Cat and Rabbit, Waffle, Space Monkey, Mr Gough, Dash and Rush ahhh sooo good!!!!

Thankyou so much Rose! Love you heaps!!!

Porcelain Screening 29/11/2009 at 12pm

It's been a long time coming but tomorrow at 12pm I'll be launching the latest film by Roseline Lau and myself  Porcelain

It will all go down here:

This blog will home Porcelain and Existence which you can watch at high quality. If you wonder why only these films are on this blog, well that's because Porcelain is a sequal of sorts to Existence.

The idea for Porcelain came from when I was just about to finish Existence. I thought what if these fighters were never able to fight and they had to be less than they were able to be. Existence was a film about being all that you can be, throwing everyone and anything aside living and pushing life to its limits to prove existence.

I'll let you watch Porcelain first before I tell you what this films underlining theme is. One thing I'll tell you however was I wanted this film to have another voice, another point of view and sensibility to it. Originally this film was written with another filmmaker in mind to collaborate with and at that stage it was going to be liveaction with a mix of animation. It failed a funding round and then I went back and reworked the script editted out some characters and restructured what I was going to do with it and decided to build on the style I created with Existence.

On Existence, Roseline came in on the end of production (after finsihing her own high stressed stopmotion film) and she really helped me get over the line taking on some of the hardest shots (the shot where the camera spins around the main character as he walks over and picks up his sword) and not only did she do it well you could also see a strong personality in her work. Rose's gift is in her characters. She really gets inside of them and pulls out their personalities. Over the production of this movie we bounced around working on various childrens animated tv series and that side of her has really grown and really taught me what it is to be a character animator. No other animator I've worked with has ever come close to what she can do. Anyway I digress, back to what I was trying to say and that is I saw something special in her work on Existence and that was a voice I wanted to add to Porcelain. So I gave her complete control of one character, 'The Doll'.

In the original script the story was retold twice, once from the point of view of the guy (LB) and once from the point of view of the Doll. I storyboarded LB's story and Rose storyboarded the Dolls. About this time last year we had to scrap this idea. It was really heartbreaking as a lot of Roseline's stuff never got done. There are some beautiful character sequences that got lost in this cut but Porcelain was a really long project stretching over 5 years, and the (very patient and supporting) people we received funding from needed the film done and we needed to move on with life. I dont feel that it was ever a 5 year film more a 6 month film just that 6months+life=5years. So we had to combine both stories and it became a different film and I felt a new type of story turned up.

Actually once the animation/editting was all done Adrian Tolman (who's done sound on nearly all my films) and I found another story again when we started laying done the sounds. I have always felt if I did have a really clear idea of what I wanted to do when making a movie I probably wouldnt want to do it as I already know what that movie is going to be. So I am really happy with how Porcelain turned out. So even though some shots were cut, there's still some great scenes by Roseline, I know I did some of my best stuff with the design and some standout pieces of animation that I'm suprised I even did oh and I lovvvvvve the soundmix. Working with Adrian is always awesome and we had so much fun doing the sound. There's a lot of creativity behind Porcelain and I really think that comes through, we didnt hold back on our ideas and throughout the film you can see new ideas popping up all over the place. This is the type of film I like and after all the suffering I'm really happy with what we have made.

Also hosting this film on a website rather than doing a festival screening gives me a few more options. Maybe those scenes cut will come back, be animated a completely different way. I now have a world where it can exist and grow, currently Rose and I are producing a comic that prequels the film. There's only 2 pages up at the moment (there will be 6 in total) but they give you a good idea of where we are going with the story. We did some little kid drawings for the comic. We did this by switching to our opposite drawing hands.

So thanks to everyone who helped us make this film and supported us. I hope you're able to check the film out and enjoy what we have created.

Tomorrow Porcelain will screen for the world and tomorrow I turn 30 years old. I really enjoyed my 20s. I produced some films and comics that I'm proud of, I met heaps of great people, learnt a whole bunch of things, had some great experiences and despite losing my job only a month ago (and they deciding not to pay me for the work I did and being jerks about it) I'm happy with with where I am. I go into my 30s optimististic because if I knew what my life was going to be it wouldn't be worth living, something new and awesome will definately turn up.

*update* Porcelain is viewable now!


So I'm at work kinda not doing much. My computer at home is dead so I'll blame that for the lack of updates.

This was drawn in linux's version of painter

Sexy Legs

Well what a great weekend. I sent the locked off vision of "Porcelain" to Adrian to begin the soundmix so that meant for the first time in a while (like 5 years) I could have a guilt work free weekend.

So I spent most of my weekend playing Noby Noby boy. I managed to get my world rank up to 178 and I collected all the trophies. Looking forward to see what happens when GIRL reaches the moon.

Of course after too much video gaming I started to feel guilty so I made this

Roseline did this crazy sketch and it made me laugh so I had to animate it.

I hope it makes you laugh as well.

Well now I have Delta Force to watch. I'm pretty sure its going to be awesome just based on the cover.